Empowering compliance professionals with tools and guidance to build a culture of integrity.

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Blog Post

Roundup on the Roundtable: Conversations on Global Trade Compliance

Navigating the complexities of global trade compliance is more crucial than ever. With the rapid expansion of international regulations and the ever-present risk of inadvertently violating trade sanctions, organizations must stay alert and ahead of the game regarding global trade compliance. And we’re here to help!
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Blog Post

Who Owns the Risk? An Innovative, New Tool for Assessing Risk

I can’t state strongly enough how excited I am to introduce an innovative new tool created by us here at Rethink Compliance. Who Owns the Risk? is a card game designed to foster real, insightful discussion about compliance and ethics risk at your organization — and we can’t wait to introduce it to you!
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CEU Webinar

[Free Webinar Recording] Compliance Training Operations Management: Navigating Complex Organizations to Achieve Great Results

At Rethink, we talk a lot about creating great content that resonates with your employees. But it’s a separate (and equally critical) skill to manage project operations—working with and through other people—to consistently produce courses you’re proud of.
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CEU Webinar

[Free Webinar Recording] Compliance Hot Topics: Data Analytics and AI

Data analytics and AI are on everyone’s minds… but where do you start? Learn about emerging AI risks and how to build a strong roadmap for AI-related policies. Then, pick up some practical, actionable strategies to collect and use meaningful data to inform, defend, and evolve your program.
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Blog Post

Level Up Your Code of Conduct Training

Transforming your organization’s Code training into an engaging learning experience can be essential for inspiring genuine commitment to ethical practices in your organization. So, how do we turn what is often seen as an annual exercise into something that truly resonates? Let’s dive in.
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Blog Post

The Medium Is the Message: Why Design Matters in Your Compliance Training

“Design is the intermediary between information and understanding.” – Hans Hofmann, German-American artist
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CEU Webinar

[Free Webinar Recording] Reaching Your Offline Audience

Rethink Founder and CEO, Kirsten Liston, moderates a conversation with panelists from risk management and industrial backgrounds. In this webinar recording, hear real-life strategies for getting compelling compliance messaging in front of your offline employees!
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CEU Webinar

[Free Webinar Recording] What Makes a Great Code of Conduct Course

What makes a great Code of Conduct course? How do you take your Code training from good to great? We’ll let the experts tell you. In this webinar recording, we discuss how to take annual Code training to the next level.
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Blog Post

Compliance Training Like It Used To Be

Back when I started in this space and on this journey, 19 years ago (gulp), that’s exactly what our former employer — and our competitors — did. We innovated, we were fast on our feet, and we treated our clients like partners, providing the highest level of service we could. And then everything changed.
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CEU Webinar

[Free Webinar Recording] Critical Elements of an Effective Conflicts of Interest (COI) Program: How Does Yours Stack Up?

As with all compliance-related risks, there are many elements to effectively managing COI at any organization, including policies, training, and reporting. In this webinar recording, we cover leading practices in the management of COI and related risks while providing tips, tricks, and real-life examples of managing COI.
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Featured White Paper

Our 2023 benchmarking report shares information and combines it with insights based on our industry knowledge, in-house expertise, and decades of experience working with hundreds and hundreds of organizations around the globe.

Featured Blog Post

Happy Birthday, Rethink! 7 lessons in 7 years

Let’s Rethink Compliance, together.

We know true progress requires partnership and collaboration. We’d love to learn more about your needs and how we can help empower you.