Empowering compliance professionals with tools and guidance to build a culture of integrity.

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Blog Post

Rethink Recapped: 2023

There’s no question about it: Rethink has grown tremendously since we first opened our virtual doors eight years ago. As the curtain comes down on 2023, we’d like to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished — especially all of the milestones we’ve achieved in the last 365 days.
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CEU Webinar

[Free Webinar Recording] Targeted, Tailored, True-to-Life: How DOJ Guidance Should Shape Your Compliance Training

Dig deep into DOJ and other guidance and the relevant implications for compliance training programs, and hear from three seasoned compliance practitioners about their training strategies and lessons learned while getting some practical tips for creating and tailoring your compliance training.
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Blog Post

How to Tailor Your Compliance Training

The guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice is clear: “Another hallmark of a well-designed compliance program is *appropriately tailored training* and communications.” Three straightforward words. But what does “appropriately tailored” actually mean in practice? Sure, it could mean starting every single training from scratch and writing it specifically for your own organization, but I can hear your overstretched budgets and calendars groaning from here. 
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CEU Webinar

[Free Webinar Recording] Using Data to Evaluate and Improve Reporting, Investigations, and Discipline

Our last webinar discussed why data analytics matter and how to begin your journey with them. In this webinar recording, we dive deeper into how to use data analytics in compliance with the latest DOJ Guidance.
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Blog Post

Exciting Announcement from Rethink’s CEO: Rethink Compliance Takes Investment Capital

Recently, we accepted investment capital for the first time in our eight-year history. We are proud of what this says about the strength of our business and excited about where it will take us in the future. I wanted to share a little bit about our path to this milestone and what it says about how (and why) we do what we do.
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Blog Post

What Can a 10-Minute Training Achieve? Choosing the Right Length Requires Planning Ahead

Let’s say you’ve got 10 minutes in between meetings. What can you get done? You could answer a couple of emails. You could reprioritize your to-do list. You could review a short document for a colleague. The truth is, you’ll get a lot more done if you have a clear and realistic plan.
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Blog Post

Meet the Rethink Library

Our content library was designed to help you meet your goals – both as a compliance professional and as a key player in your organization's business success. What's your biggest goal right now? See just a few examples of how the Rethink Compliance library of training and videos can help you meet it.
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Blog Post

Data Analytics: Five-Part Blog Series

This summer, we released a 5-part blog series on beginning your data analytics journey, what insights you can really get out of good data, and how to apply them to your program. In case you missed it, here are all five!
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CEU Webinar

[Free Webinar Recording] Data Analytics: A Practical Guide to Making it Work in Your Compliance Program

Everyone talks about the need for better data analytics in corporate compliance programs — but it’s not always clear how to actually implement analytics in practice.
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Blog Post

Part 5: How Data Analytics Drives Better Reporting

Today we conclude our series on data analytics with a look at one other critical capability it can deliver for you: better reporting. Better reporting to whom? Better reporting about what? The right approach to data analytics helps you generate more data and improve the quality of the data you collect.
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Featured White Paper

Our 2023 benchmarking report shares information and combines it with insights based on our industry knowledge, in-house expertise, and decades of experience working with hundreds and hundreds of organizations around the globe.

Featured Blog Post

Happy Birthday, Rethink! 7 lessons in 7 years

Let’s Rethink Compliance, together.

We know true progress requires partnership and collaboration. We’d love to learn more about your needs and how we can help empower you.