Last December, we wrote a blog post where we asked: What if compliance isn’t an information challenge? What if it’s actually a persuasion challenge?
Though we didn’t mention it at the time, we were thinking hard about the #metoo movement and what it might mean.
Around the same time, we spotted this powerful Time Magazine video on the group of people they called “The Silence Breakers” and we asked ourselves: “What if this isn’t an information challenge? What if it’s an empathy challenge?”

As compliance professionals, we can default too easily to facts, to information. We cite statutes, use logic, explain the potential legal consequences. Have a bribery risk? Let’s send out a bribery course.
But we’re humans, too, and so is the audience we’re talking to. And sometimes we need to put aside the facts and logic and just connect with people.
This is what we were thinking about when we stumbled on the video “Look Up” by Gary Turk. (Credit to our head of client services, Patti Caswell, who spotted it.)
Four years ago, Gary was a TV writer and stand-up comedian who got inspired to make a spoken word video about how we use technology — and what we might be missing. He stuck it on an empty YouTube page — and it went viral. To date, it’s been viewed more than 60 million times.
And it’s obvious why: Because “Look Up” makes us think, it makes us feel, and it makes us want to do better.
It struck us immediately that this approach to harassment could be 1000 times more effective than any online course we had ever written.
We contacted Gary, we were thrilled when he agreed to collaborate, and we’re even more thrilled at the outcome, which we call “Don’t Stand By.”
Want to learn more about tools and approaches you can use to combat harassment at your company? Visit our website at and contact us to schedule a free consultation.