Rethink What’s Possible In

Global Trade & Sanctions Compliance

Doing business globally brings important obligations. While most employees cannot be experts in the changing rules, all are responsible for helping your organization comply.

The Rethink Library

Our library includes more than 20 global trade courses that help your employees understand their role in trade compliance, emphasizing awareness of changing regulations and knowing when to ask for help. Topics include export and import controls, sanctions, customs, and role-specific training for those in sourcing and supply-based positions.

Highlights: Foundational Risk Courses

(15-20 minutes)
These substantive courses cover a single broad risk area from a number of angles. Each typically includes one to three videos.
Sanctions Compliance: What You Need to Know

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Export Controls: How to Export with Care and Confidence

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Global Trade: Intro to Sanctions (New!)

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Global Trade: Intro to Export Controls (New!)

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Engaging in Global Trade Responsibly

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Trade Controls on Our Global Business

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Sourcing/Supply Role-Based Course

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Customs Across International Borders: Mastering U.S. Export Regulations (New!)

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Global Trade: Introduction to Import and Customs Controls

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Highlights: Targeted Risk Courses

(10-15 minutes)
These shorter courses are more narrowly focused. Each typically includes one video.
Exports: Doing Business Across Borders

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Doing Business in a Connected World

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Highlights: Microlearning Courses

Sanctions: Stop, Think, Ask (New!)

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Sanctions Compliance: Details Matter (New!)

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What Do International Sanctions Have To Do With You and Your Work? (New!)

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