Pharma Content Showcase

Targeted Risk Courses

(Under 10 minutes)
These shorter courses target a specific angle or consideration within a risk area. Typically include one video.
Ethical and Effective: Getting Speaker Programs Right

Medical science continues to advance quickly, and new medicines and treatments are being developed all the time. Healthcare professionals need ongoing medical education to keep their knowledge and skills current.

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Preventing Fraudulent Practices in Healthcare

Individuals and organizations sometimes seek financial reward through fraudulent practices in the healthcare industry, which can result in significant financial losses for the government and can harm the patients that are deprived of optimal care. Through this course, employees will learn about the U.S. False Claims act and how they can help prevent fraudulent practices.

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Best Possible Care: Gifts and the Sunshine Act

Transparency serves patients, the healthcare system, and your organization. Everyone who interacts with U.S. healthcare providers or may be in a position to give them anything of value should understand and follow the Physicians Payment Sunshine Act. This course guides learners through what must be reported and why.

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Introducing HIPAA

When individuals share information about themselves with pharmaceutical organizations, they expect their privacy will be protected and their personal data will be treated with respect. In this short course, employees will learn about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), including what it is, what kinds of data it protects, and how to recognize and apply it in their daily work.

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Keeping Patients Safe: Reporting Adverse Events

Recording and reporting issues that might be connected to our products is an important part of keeping patients safe. Your audience will learn how to recognize adverse events, how and when to report them, and why it matters.

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A Question of Trust: Understanding and Following the U.S. Anti-Kickback Statute

Bribery and kickbacks undermine the essential trust on which the medical industry is built. This course helps learners understand their responsibilities under the U.S. Anti-Kickback Statute.

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Speak Up for Integrity: Your Voice Has Power

A strong speak-up culture is essential to doing business with integrity in the pharmaceutical industry. This course will show learners the power of their own voice in making your workplace an even better place to work.

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Never Stop Searching (Pharma)

Do your employees know when to speak up? Or that they can reach out to the compliance team with a wide variety of questions and concerns? This course helps position your compliance team as the right resource when your employees are searching for answers.

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The Anti-Kickback Statute

The course explains what behavior is prohibited under the U.S. Anti-Kickback Statute and the Sunshine Act.

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Foundational Risk Courses

(10-30 minutes)
These substantive courses address a variety of angles or considerations, typically around a single broad risk area. Typically include one to three videos.
Protecting Personal Health Data

Pharmaceutical organizations collect large amounts of health information that helps them serve patients better, and at the same time they have a responsibility to protect that data from falling into the wrong hands. This course teaches pharmaceutical employees about their legal obligations regarding data privacy, what constitutes personal identifiable information, reporting data leaks, and HIPAA.

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Keeping It Safe: Data Privacy for Pharmaceutical Organizations

Almost everyone encounters data in their work, and it's important to know when that data must be kept private. This course helps learners recognize different types of personal data and confidential information and understand the best practices for handling this data securely. Employees will also learn what to do if there is a data incident, and how both GDPR and HIPAA inform our data handling practices.

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Our Integrity Matters: Compliance 101 for Pharma

The pharmaceutical and medical device industries face unique compliance challenges. Your compliance training needs to be robust, accessible, and tailored to your needs.

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Promoting and Marketing Our Products

Learners will see how truth and transparency need to guide an organization’s actions when bringing products to market in an ethical way.

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Working Ethically With Others in the Pharmaceutical Industry

When working with agents, suppliers, vendors, and others, your employees must be aware of the risks to your organization and their responsibilities to protect it. This course uses brief scenarios to call attention to the risks, then it clearly lays out your expectations for your employees.

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Interacting With Healthcare Professionals

Many of your employees must interact with healthcare professionals regularly as part of their jobs. Sometimes it can seem like the lines are murky, but the ethical goals are clear: transparency and putting patients first. This course will help your employees make ethical decisions when offering meals or entertainment, organizing speaker programs, and providing medical education.

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Ethical Sales and Marketing Practices

How your market our products can be just as important as how you make them. You want both patients and healthcare professionals to get the information they need to make the best care choices. This course helps your employees understand the "why" behind the rules governing marketing directly to consumers, messaging about off-label use, sharing truthful and non-misleading information, and providing medical education.

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Code of Conduct Courses

(20-30 minutes)
These substantive courses highlight your Code of Conduct and typically address some specific risk areas covered within. We offer a variety of Code course formats — allowing you to roll out fresh content annually. Typically include two to four videos, multimedia scenarios, and a certification at the end.
Code of Conduct: Pharma

This Code of Conduct course has a particular focus on the unique challenges of the pharmaceutical industry. Lessons include preventing bribery, competing fairly, and keeping accurate business records.

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Impact Line Microlearning Library

Collaborate Compliantly

Compliant collaboration means working together within the rules. It may look slightly different to each member of a team, but it always means knowing your role and sticking to it. Compliant collaboration is everyone’s responsibility. This video reviews why it’s so important to maintain clear boundaries between patient support and promotional activities. (Live action)

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A Bond of Trust

We’re committed to always doing business fairly and with integrity. How we do business is as important as what we actually do. In this video, we'll take a look at how “kickbacks” breach the essential bond of trust between a patient and their doctor.

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The Best Possible Care [Sunshine Act]

Transparency serves patients, the healthcare system, and your organization. Everyone who interacts with U.S. healthcare providers or may be in a position to give them anything of value should understand and follow the Physicians Payment Sunshine Act. This course guides learners through what must be reported and why.

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On Our Behalf [Third-Party Due Diligence]

We work with all sorts of different organizations and people. Sometimes, they are required to do business and make business decisions on our behalf. In this video, we'll explore how, if not managed carefully, these “third parties” can expose our organization to serious risk.

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Don’t Cross the Line

We regularly work with healthcare providers to develop and improve our products. This often involves meetings or events where it is customary to offer hospitality. In this video, we'll discover when treating healthcare providers to hospitality can cross the line of what’s ethical and proper.

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In Their Best Interests [Engaging Speakers and Consultants]

We regularly work with healthcare providers to develop, improve and promote our products. Sometimes we may engage them as consultants or speakers to work with us or act on our behalf. In this video, we'll explore how we can be sure that the healthcare providers we engage always act in the best interests of their patients.

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For the Good [Supporting Medical Education]

As a part of the medical community, we’re proud to encourage and support the education and development of current and future generations of medical professionals. In this video, we'll find out why we need to follow some strict rules when offering this invaluable educational support.

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Handle with Care

We produce a wide range of printed educational materials to help healthcare providers better understand our products and the conditions they treat, and to help you make the sale. In this video, we'll explore how to get the most from these materials, but we'll also share an important note of caution.

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Stick to the Label [Off Label Use]

Our products – like all pharmaceutical products – have been through rigorous testing to become approved and labelled for a particular medical use. In this video, we'll explore why we must only ever communicate with healthcare providers about this approved use, even though they are free to use their professional discretion to use our products to treat patients for something else.

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Coming Soon

  • Working with patient organizations
  • Short, to-the-point Code course for pharmaceutical employees
If you like what you’ve seen with these Pharma courses, be in touch!