Before you start drafting a Code rewrite, you do some preliminary work — benchmarking, reviewing updated policies, digging into Helpline data, maybe surveying employees. You want to make sure you know what you’re making and why before your team starts writing.
It’s the same when you take your Code digital: A little bit of planning can help make sure you build something that works for your organization.
Before you start work on your digital Code, ask yourself the following questions. (And, frankly, if your digital Code vendor isn’t asking you these questions, they might be trying to sell you something that works for them, rather than for you.)
How will people actually use the Code?
Think about who your employees are and what they will need and be interested in. How will they want to access the Code? What will they be looking for?
Where will the Code live?
A digital Code, just like everything else we access online, has to have a digital “home.” Will your Code be on your public-facing website, a standalone site, your company intranet or your LMS? Or will it be a purpose-built app that employees will install on their phones or tablets?
Who will maintain the Code?
Do you expect your Code to be fairly static for the next few years? Or will you need to make edits and updates, say to link new policies? Who will own this maintenance, and what skills does this person have? Will you need any software or a content management system to maintain the Code?
What kind of support do you get from your IT team?
Be honest with yourself: Is your IT team on your side with full support, or are you more on your own?
How will you train people on the Code?
It’s likely that you will need a course to train your employees on your Code. New technology makes it possible to combine the two, so that interactive elements aid and test employees on their understanding of the Code as they read through it. If your Code lives on your LMS, you can gather data on who completes it. These are choices you need to make at the beginning of the process
How will you launch your new digital Code?
The time to start your communications plan to launch your digital Code is before you even start building the Code itself. What will position your Code as an important reference tool for your employees? What will get people to pay attention? What does your digital Code say about the role of ethics and compliance in your organization?
The beginning of any project can feel a little daunting. But asking the right questions will get you pointed in the right direction. We’d be happy to spend some time discussing these questions and any others you may have about your digital Code. Contact us for a free consult.
Want to Learn More? Join our Webinar.
If you're interested in taking your Code digital but aren't sure where to start, join us for our October 16th SCCE web conference, "Taking Your Code Digital: Here's How to Do It Right."
We'll cover how to take your Code digital, from start to finish, without making it a huge technology hassle.
Click here to register.